Inorganic Residue Detection Kit


CT - Inorganic Residue Detection Kit;

CT-INORG confirms whether there are any hard water wastes such as Ca, Mg, Carbonate etc., metal wastes and alkaline wastes remaining on the surgical instruments that are considered to be sterilised.

  • It gives standard-compliant, easy-to-read and precise measurement.
  • According to the severity of the colour change, it gives information about the amount of residue.
  • Meets ISO 9001-ISO 45001-ISO 27001-ISO 13485 -14001 and ISO 11140 standards

Remove the cotton-tipped probe from the packaging. If the sample surface is dry, use the spray in the box to moisten it.

Take a sample by pressing the swab against the surface to be sampled.

Uncap the tube, insert the probe and shake for 8-10 seconds until you are sure that the solution is evenly distributed.

Remove the rod and close the cap of the tube. Compare the colour change with the colour chart and archive.

Colour Change Table