Steam Type 4 Indicators


CT - S4 Type 4 Indicators;

  • Provides sterilisation assurance in two or more critical parameters.
  • During sterilisation, it is exposed to the desired extent and shows the suitability of the process according to the critical parameters.
  • Provides temperature, time and saturated steam control, which are important in the steam sterilisation procedure.
  • They prevent possible ink transfer due to the lamination layer on them.
  • Available in different reference colours; in general use, the reference colour black is reached when all critical parameters of steam sterilisation are met.
  • The colour change remains stable for a minimum of six months.
  • Suitable for internal and external observation.
  • Free of heavy metals and non-toxic.
  • Confirms efficacy at 134 C for 3.5 minutes, 134 C for 7 minutes or 121 C for 15 minutes.
  • Meets ISO 9001-ISO 45001-ISO 27001-ISO 13485 and ISO 11140 standards.